Schlagwort: gerrard
Dracula (1931)
Weiter geht es im diesjährigen Horroctober, heute mit einem stilprägenden Streifen aus der Frühzeit des Tonfilms: „Dracula“ von 1931, mit Bela Lugosi in seiner bekanntesten Rolle.
Moon Child
Für das Finale meines kleinen Horroctobers 2019 habe ich einen obskuren spanischen Film ausgegraben: „Moon Child“ von Regisseur Agustí Villaronga, der unter Mitwirkung einer genialen australischen Band entstand…
Interview with Clive Collier
Although Australian musician Lisa Gerrard has gained worldwide success mostly through her work on film scores her name is still unknown to a broad audience. Vieraugen Kino editor Marius Joa, being an admirer of Gerrard’s work for about three years, has watched the documentary Sanctuary: Lisa Gerrard on DVD that provides a deep insight into…
Although Australian musician Lisa Gerrard has gained worldwide success mostly through her work on film scores her name is still unknown to a broad audience. Vieraugen Kino editor Marius Joa, being an admirer of Gerrard’s work for about three years, has watched the documentary Sanctuary: Lisa Gerrard on DVD that provides a deep insight into…