Schlagwort: gerrard

  • Dracula (1931)

    Weiter geht es im diesjährigen Horroctober, heute mit einem stilprägenden Streifen aus der Frühzeit des Tonfilms: „Dracula“ von 1931, mit Bela Lugosi in seiner bekanntesten Rolle.

  • Moon Child

    Für das Finale meines kleinen Horroctobers 2019 habe ich einen obskuren spanischen Film ausgegraben: „Moon Child“ von Regisseur Agustí Villaronga, der unter Mitwirkung einer genialen australischen Band entstand…

  • Interview with Clive Collier

    Although Australian musician Lisa Gerrard has gained worldwide success mostly through her work on film scores her name is still unknown to a broad audience. Vieraugen Kino editor Marius Joa, being an admirer of Gerrard’s work for about three years, has watched the documentary Sanctuary: Lisa Gerrard on DVD that provides a deep insight into…

  • Sanctuary

    Although Australian musician Lisa Gerrard has gained worldwide success mostly through her work on film scores her name is still unknown to a broad audience. Vieraugen Kino editor Marius Joa, being an admirer of Gerrard’s work for about three years, has watched the documentary Sanctuary: Lisa Gerrard on DVD that provides a deep insight into…

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